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Bank Payment Details instructions
PayrollPlus provides the user with necessary tools to make payroll process easier. To proceed with Bank payments firstly employees bank payment details should be entered in the program, by following some simple steps.
When the program starts, from the main menu select Exports.
From exports menu select Payment Instructions and a window Employees Banks will appear.
From there you can enter, view or edit employees payment details.
When the window opens a list of all employees will appear. Select an employee and press the Add button to insert the payment details of that employee.
The software will let you know if the IBAN that was provided is Valid or not.
Upon completion of the process, the user can view the payment information for each employee by clicking the + button located on the left of each employee ID. By clicking the + button, the employee details will be displayed. To edit the current information for a specific employee, click on the Employee bank information and press the edit button.
PayrollPlus team recommends inserting spaces after every fourth digit to improve readability and make it easier to check information.