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Vacation Bands

PayrollPlus provides the user with nessecarry tools to make payroll procces easier. Vacation Bands is one of the functions that help user keep a History and track the days of Annual Leave for each employee.

From the main menu select H.R. and click on Vacations.

H.R. Main_menu

From the tool bar select Vacation Bands.

Vacation Bands

Calculate Vacation Bands

Press the Add button to create a new Band. A new window appears will  appear in your screen, from there you will insert the information and give a Description (Name) on the band.

Login to PayrollPlus

PayrollPlus experts suggest using the name ‘Annual Leave’ followed by the number of days that employees are entitled (e.g. Annual Leave 19 Days).

Calculate Hours per Month:  If employees have 20 Days per year multiply it on working hour per day. The hours of the year are going to be divided by twelve months, to find hours per month.

8*20= 160 Hours per Year

160/12= 13,333 Hours per Month

  • Allocate Automatically when is enabled, it will automatically updates Annual leave at the end of each year.
  • Adjust on hours worked should remain disabled, as it is only suggested for specific employees that work part time.
  • Allocation frequency gives user the option to select whenever to calculate the hour/days left for the employee until the end of the year/month. If it is selected to allocate them every month, at the beginning of each month it will bring the new balance of hours/days left for each employee. . If it is selected to allocate them every year annual leave hours/days will be held as total. At the end of each year it will bring the balance of previous year in the new year.

This setting is suggested to be Every Year.

  • When you finish this process go back to Employment Details and Add it on Vacations fields. If further assistance is needed on how to do it click here.
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