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Quick start guide

PayrollPlus is a program that provides automations of your payroll preparation and human resources management procedures based on the law and regulations of Cyprus Government. It is designed for everyday tasks, minimizing HR management procedures, saving time and effort in a non-core administrative procedure of your organization.

Our company established in 2016, and by now it services hundreds of companies that create their payroll using PayrollPlus. As a result, tens of thousands payslips are issued every year.

Start using PayrollPlus

Initially, the program is asking for username and password. Default username and password can be provided from Codeworks Customer Support department.

It can be changed by the main user of the program.

1. Enter username and password.

2. A new window appears and you have to select the company of interest.

Login to PayrollPlus

Login screen

Company selection screen

Adding/Editing Human Resources

3. From top main menu select Employees

Functions Bar

Employees Details

4. Click Add or Edit button. Then, start entering the details of employees in Personal and Contact tabs.

Employees Details

Main Information

Employment Details

5. You can add or edit employment details by clicking Add or Edit button. After that, enter the contract details of the employment.


6. Complete employment details for employees by inserting information about employment, navigating Earnings, Allocation, Funds, Unions, Taxation, Custom Fields, Loan, Vacation, and Other tabs.

Employment Details

Repeating the process as described above, you can add or edit details of all of your employees.

Finally, you are ready to go on to the next step and run your payrolls, either monthly or weekly.

Start Creating Payroll

PayrollPlus runs payrolls based on the payment period of the employees. It separates payrolls into Monthly, Weekly, or Other payroll. Just select the payroll type you intend to run.

Below it is described how to run Monthly payrolls. The procedure for running Weekly payrolls is the same so it will not be described separately.

Running Payroll (Monthly)


1. From the top main menu go to Home. Then, click Monthly Payroll (otherwise, click desired type of payroll).

2. A new form will appear. Just set the date of the payroll (usually the last date of the month).

Payroll Details

The rest information will change automatically when the user presses OK.

3. Subsequently, select the employees you want to be included in the payroll (usually all should be selected which is default). Then press OK button to proceed with the payroll.

Employees in the payroll

4. Payroll starts and initialized based on the employments contracts defaults.

5. Adjust the working hours where required (i.e. Time off, Overtimes, etc). Enter any amounts in the custom fields (i.e. Telephone, Commission, Bonus, etc).

PayrollPlus automatically calculates all deductions and contributions based on the amounts given in earnings. Also, PayrollPlus will get correct rates depending on the payroll date set.

Payroll Earnings

Payroll Deductions

Payroll Contributions

6. Navigate through all employees from the list on the left side of the form.

7. Finally, when payroll details are set, click Permanent Data Post button. This will make your payroll final and no changes are allowed.

Reports & Exports

PayrollPlus provides access to several reports and exports for completed payrolls.

PayrollPlus provides several reports. Mentioning few of them:

  • Payslips
  • Payroll Analysis in details and summary
  • Social Insurance Contributons
  • Taxation (TD61, TD63)
  • Cheques
  • Funds (Provident Fund, Medical Fund, etc)
  • Vacations

Moreover, you can export to:

  • Social Insurance for SISnet
  • Bank payment for SEPA payments
  • Taxation TD7 for Taxisnet
  • Payroll Analysis in Excel format
  • Journal entries for several popular accounting software

This Quick Start Guide has given a taste of what PayrollPlus can offer. These are only some of the features / functions available in PayrollPlus.

Find out more using our Manual.
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