Submission of Employer’s Return (TD 7)
Tax Department TD 7 Form (Employer’s Return) for Tax Year 2019 submission is ending by 31st of July 20…
Tax Department TD 7 Form (Employer’s Return) for Tax Year 2019 submission is ending by 31st of July 20…
All employees have the obligation submitting Tax form regarding their emoluments (TD1) and…
General Healthcare System (GHS or ΓεΣΥ) is part of our life now. It will also called National Health Security (NHS) and both employees and employers will contribute…
Tax Department announces that it starts accepting TD7 (formerly known as IR7) for the Tax Year 2018. In order to submit…
Tax Department has posted on their website the new T.D. 63 report (formly known as I.R. 63) for the tax year 2018…
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