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How to Add/Remove employees inside payroll

When a payroll has been created for the current month with PayrollPlus add and remove employees when the payroll is active.

In this article we will explain how to add and how to remove employees in an active payroll.

How to Add an employee

When the payroll is active, in the main menu three new tabs will appear (Payroll, Employments, Preferences).

To add an employee from those three tabs select Employments and then Add Employees.

A new window will appear with a list of employees that are not included in the current payroll.

Following, that list has selected all the employees, if there is only one employee that user is interested to add in the payroll, then the option None should be selected.

By doing that user will have the option to select only the employees that need to be included.

After selecting the employees, press ok. A messege will appear so user confirms that wants to procced with the new addition.

Then, payroll will automatically close the procces the change. when user opens again the payroll the selected employee will appear in employees list.

How to Remove an employee from inside payroll

The of removing an employee from inside payroll is very simple.

Select the employee you want to remove from the payroll. Then from employments press Remove Employee icon and the selected employee will be removed from the current active payroll.

Find out more using our Manual.
What’s next?

Vacation Bands

Employees Loans

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